Your Cookie Dough Fundraiser Shouldn’t Come with Questionable Ingredients

We are becoming a nation of people who are more in tuned to what they are eating. People are beginning to flip over the package to review the ingredients list on the back of products. Cookie dough fundraiser varieties are no different. People want high quality ingredients, and they deserve them!

There are cookie dough fundraiser companies who are offering products that contain ingredients that people often try to avoid. Things like trans fats, hydrogenated oils, and high fructose corn syrup are on people’s radar screens and many are actively trying to avoid them. The good news is that you can avoid them and in doing so you will also be providing people with a better cookie.

The gourmet cookie dough fundraiser offered by Cookie Joe Fundraising only offers products that are of high quality. Each of the varieties of cookies and other treats contain all natural ingredients. Things you would find in your own cupboard if you wanted to bake something, such as flour, sugar, cocoa, vanilla, salt, and baking powder. You won’t find any of the questionable ingredients that people want to avoid.

Offering a cookie dough fundraiser that has natural ingredients is just one more way to give your customers what they want, and help you to have a successful fundraiser. You can even use it as a selling point so that people feel more comfortable making the purchase.

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Cookie Joe Fundraising’s varieties, which include oatmeal raisin, triple chocolate chip, sugar cookies, and more, come in a dry mix so you don’t have to worry about refrigeration. All customers need to do is add in the egg and butter, making it simple to prepare, and pop them into the oven. Within minutes their home will be filled with the down home aromas of freshly baked cookies. And they can serve them up knowing that they are all made from natural ingredients, just like grandma used to use!

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